Article Types

The Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (IJAFR) publishes a number of types of papers:

  1. Original research papers – These are original articles reporting cutting-edge research of international relevance that has clear implications for the agri-food sector. The IJAFR recognises the importance of original and high-quality research that is of particular relevance to Ireland and encourages papers that report such research. Papers should not exceed 8,000 words (abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, but excluding tables, figures and references).
  • Research notes – these are original articles reporting original research from limited investigations which will not be included in a full-length paper. Research notes should not exceed 2,500 words (including abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, tables and illustrations, but excluding tables, figures and references).
  • Review papers – Relevant and appropriate critical review papers will be considered. It is recommended to contact the Senior Editor in advance of preparing a review, giving the author(s) name(s), and an outline and justification for the review. These should be no longer than 10,000 to 12,000 words.
  • Perspective papers – Contributions up to 8,000 words in length that present research-based work that informs policy. Submissions on a wide range of subjects relating to policy directions, decision-making and implementation of policies relevant to the agri-food sector are welcome. We also welcome papers that develop dialogue between the research community and, for example, decision-makers in agri-business, government and NGOs. Contributors should avoid articles that focus on methodology. The focus of these articles should be on informing and improving policy, rather than simply critiques of policy decisions, and any opinions should be supported by a clear evidence base. Articles should be set within a broad policy context and relate to the wider issues around constrained decision making. Authors are advised to discuss the proposed topic with the senior editor in advance of submitting a perspective paper.